
Carbonic anhydrase XII inhibition overcomes P-glycoprotein-mediated drug resistance: a potential new combination therapy in cancer

Figure 7. Psammaplin C (1) improves temozolomide efficacy against orthotopically implanted glioblastoma NS-derived tumor cells from three patients (#1, #2, and #3) into BALB/c nu/nu mice. (A) Representative in vivo bioluminescence imaging of orthotopically implanted Patient #2 NS, in animals treated with vehicle (ctrl), compound 1, and TMZ, as follows: (1) control group, treated with 0.2 mL saline solution intravenously (i.v.); (2) 1 group, treated with 3.8 µg/kg compound 1 i.v.; (3) TMZ group, treated with 50 mg/kg TMZ per os (p.o.); and (4) TMZ + 1 group, treated with 50 mg/kg TMZ p.o. + 3.8 µg/kg compound 1 i.v. (6 animals/group). (B) Quantification of Patient #1-3 NS-derived bioluminescence, taken as index of tumor growth. Data are presented as mean ± SD (6 animals/group). At Day 24: **P < 0.005 and ***P < 0.001, TMZ + 1 group vs. all the other groups of treatment; oooP < 0.01, TMZ + 1 group vs. TMZ group (Student t-test). (C) Overall survival probability was calculated using the Kaplan-Meier method. Patient #1 NS: P < 0.02, TMZ + 1 group vs. all the other groups of treatment. Patient #2 NS: P < 0.002, TMZ + 1 group vs. all the other groups of treatment. Patient #3 NS: P < 0.001, TMZ + 1 group vs. ctrl and 1 group; P < 0.05, TMZ + 1 group vs. TMZ group; P < 0.01, TMZ group vs. ctrl and 1 group (log-rank test; not reported in the figure). Figure adapted from[46] and reused with permission. Copyright © 2018, American Association for Cancer Research. CA: carbonic anhydrase; TMZ: temozolomide; NS: neurosphere.

Cancer Drug Resistance
ISSN 2578-532X (Online)


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