
Regulation of ABCB1 activity by microRNA-200c and microRNA-203a in breast cancer cells: the quest for microRNAs' involvement in cancer drug resistance

Figure 6. Levels of DiOC2 accumulation in KCR transfected cells. DIOC2 accumulation in KCR cells transfected for 48 h with mimic-miR-negative control (NC), mimic-miR-200c and mimic-miR-203, and treated with verapamil (VP) (C, D), were evaluated by flow cytometry analysis.In parallel, non treated cells were also evaluated (A, B). Representative fluorescent intensity histograms (B, D) are shown and results are expressed as the mean of fluorescent intensity ± SEM of four independent assays and sample triplicates normalized to miR-negative control (NC) in A and corresponding miRNA in C. Red line-negative control (NC), blue line-miR-200c and purple line-miR-203 transfected cells (B) and blue line-miR-transfected cells, red line-miR-transfected cells treated with VP (D). * (P < 0.05) indicate statistically significant differences when compared the control group (NC)

Cancer Drug Resistance
ISSN 2578-532X (Online)


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